I'm Jason, an applied math undergrad @ UC Berkeley. Figuring out how humanity should navigate this AI thing.
Previously, I've thought about how the UN should govern foundational AI models, and speculated about the nature of what a multinational AGI project would look like (covered in TIME!). Before that, I researched standard-setting for Singapore's AI regulator, and US-China coordination at the Future of Life Institute.
I also enjoy economics. With my friend and co-conspirator Duncan, I've written about raising Dogger Bank for our blog "Model Thinking", housing for the Adam Smith Institute, and organ donation for Works in Progress.
Reach me at jasonhausenloy@gmail.com.1
And please do say hello! I'd love to hear from you. A non-exhaustive list of things I'd love to chat about: the third-culture experience, reality catching up to The Onion, fantastic reviews, bucket lists, conspiracies, daily habits, writing well, systems for work (and systems that work), ambitious theories, formal verification, love stories, running events, vegetarian food recipes, social sports, happiness and hedonic baselines, communities (and mine), and whatever you find beautiful (as the mathematicians find proofs, the biologists find cells, physicists find the cosmos) ↩